“I’m waiting for an epiphany,” my husband declared over breakfast about 10 days into our recent trip to Nicaragua. We had journeyed from the rainforest to the Pacific coast and from a live volcano to a teeny tiny island in the Caribbean – so by standard travel fiction, this would be about the time when a life altering “epiphany” might strike. His comment started me thinking about the shapes, sizes and ordinarily extraordinary ways that epiphanies or a renewed sense of calling and purpose arrive to us in daily life. I’ve been privileged to watch many patients give birth to epiphanies throughout my years as a naturopath, and I look forward to witnessing many more.
My take-home epiphany from our trip was:“Love who you are. Love who you are with. Love what you do.” Seeing the joy and sense of community among the people in Nicaragua was such a welcome reminder of the happiness that lives within simplicity.
An “Epiphany” may occur at any time when we choose to arrive to the present moment with an open heart, deep trust and a full breath, reconnecting us to what we already know to be true. So whether you travel across the ocean or step into your backyard to marvel at the arrival of winter, may your epiphanies this holiday season draw you into a deeper place of knowing, healing and inner peace.