If you are …

  1. A licensed ND,
  2. Have graduated from one of the accredited ND schools in North America, and
  3. Have passed NABNE board exams,

… then you are eligible to be listed in our ND directory, and at no cost to you.

Why list your clinic?

Dr. Mehmet Oz heralds NDs as world class experts in natural medicine. Isn’t it time we rise to the call and be found? This ND Directory was designed to help  NDs to:

  1. Attract new patients through social networking.
  2. Use the same platform to extend your connection with your current patients.

We at NDHealthcare are gifting you with a dynamic opportunity to …

  1. Quickly and easily keep your patients informed about your ideas in our doctor-to-patient social networking space.
  2. Connect with your patients while you sleep – giving them access to your posts 24/7.
  3. Publicize your existing social media voice to a wider audience through integrated twitter and blog feeds.
  4. Let our web marketing efforts increase your visibility to new patients.
  5. Let us send e-alerts to your patients whenever you post updates (opt-in feature).
  6. Select 1-way or 2-way communication with your patients and fans through our website.
  7. Stay tuned for future opportunities to generate more geo-targeted marketing to your clinic.

This ND directory and your individual social media space is gifted to you for free.

Want to be among the first NDs represented? You may register and set up your own profile now, or request a contact from us to help get you started:

Please contact me for assistance in listing my Naturopathic clinic in the ND Directory.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Why not be a part of the Naturopathic revolution?

We (you and NDHealthcare.com) can position Naturopathic Medicine as an integral part of the future healthcare system. We believe Naturopathic Medicine is a working solution for the healthcare crisis.

We personally have been working with and for the field of Naturopathic Medicine for more than a decade and have helped to greatly expand the educational opportunities and exposure of Naturopathic Medicine within the national market. Now help us go forward together and create the avenue for patients everywhere to have awareness of and access to the benefits of our Medicine.

Yours in streaming health to the planet,

Coquina L. Deger
President, Publisher and Co-founder
NDHealthcare.com || NDExperts.com